Awareness program at Krishnanath Collegiate School, Baharampur, Murshidabad
Awareness program at Sargachi Ramkrishna Mission High School, Murshidabad
Certificate and Prize distributed by Head master of Sargachi Ramkrishna Mission High School, Murshidabad after a short quiz compition during awareness program
Measurement of waist-hip ratio during awareness program at Sargachi Ramkrishna Mission High School, Murshidabad
Awareness program at Sargachi Ramkrishna Mission High School, Murshidabad
Certificate and Prize distributed by Head master of Sargachi Ramkrishna Mission High School, Murshidabad after a short quiz compition during awareness program
Measurement of waist-hip ratio during awareness program at Sargachi Ramkrishna Mission High School, Murshidabad
Prize distributed by Dr. C. K. Sen at Ghoshpara Saraswati Trust Estate Vidyapith, Nadia
Audio-Visual presentation on General health and Hepatitis at Golamara High School, Purulia
Certificate and Prize distribution at Golamara High School, Nadia
Awareness program on General health promotion at Hostel of Lagda Girls’ High School, Purulia
Prize distributed by Dr. Swapan Sarkar after awareness quiz competition at Lagda Girls’ High School (Hostel), Purulia
Lecture session during awareness program at Biltora High School, Purulia
Certificate and prize distributed by Dr. Swapan Sarkar after awareness quiz at Biltora High School, Purulia
Community Awareness Program on General Health Promotion and Hepatitis at Top Club, Purulia
Lecture on Health promotion during awareness program at Madanpur Kendriya Adarsha Balika Vidyalaya, Nadia
Certificate and Prize distributed by a teacher of Madanpur Kendriya Adarsha Balika Vidyalaya, Nadia
Dr. Chandra Kant patil Memorial Award
Awareness Programme at Murshidabad Sargachi Ramkrishna Mission
Awareness Programme at Purulia Baragram B.B.P.R School
Awareness Programme at S.B.I, Park Street
Hepatitis B patient uploading his profile in Hepatitis (B/C) register on World Hepatitis Day, 28 July 2011 at Central office